Saturday, July 23, 2016

EVENT REVIEW: 2014 Detroit Maker Faire at the Henry Ford Museum

MCB hit up the Detroit Maker Faire this past Sunday afternoon at the Henry Ford Museum.
It was a hot day already as we arrived to the event around noon. Outdoor sights had to be checked out first due to the threat of a looming thunderstorm.

The Maker Faire attracts a huge crowd, but it's so spread out between the large parking lot of The Henry Ford and the inside of the museum, that it isn't unpleasantly crowded. You could easily view what you came to see and if there was any lines, they were minimal.

The outdoor scene was buzzing with all types of vehicles passing us by. Bikes of all shapes and sizes had families and strangers alike cruising around on these unique pieces of transportation.  

H.G. Well's time machine is still floating around and we have proof. He popped up and wanted to know what year it was. He even pointed out future presidents that were in the crowd.

You haven't seen anything till you've seen the rolling hostess cupcake cruising around the grounds.

After signing waivers we enjoyed a game of Riskee Ball. It's the classic game of Skee Ball with a twist.
Blasts of flames are the contestants' rewards for high-scoring rolls.

We also checked out the Power Racing Series. This annual racing series features teams from all over the country who build up kids' toys and race them on a track for hundreds of cheering fans.

The Maker Faire did not forget about the kids. The Maker Shed gives children a chance to build their own wooden race car and design it. Children are given pieces of cut wood and wheels and can choose from a wide variety of adornments including glitter, markers, seats, feathers, and more. Staff is on hand with hot glue guns ready to assist your child.

After you have completed your car you get to race it against two other cars on a track. You get to name your car for the race and keep it after the race is done. All this is free. Kids love it !

The lifesize mousetrap attracted a large crowd at the event. We got to the fence early to check it out. Remember that mousetrap game you had as a child? It has been turned into a life-size spectacle and it all played out at the Maker Faire. The mousetrap hosts explained how it would go down as they set up each portion. The Mousetrap has combined Newtonian physics and large-scale art with performance to create a unique brand of engineering fun packaged into a traveling road show!

All went well till the last piece that would bring a safe held high on a crane to a smashing end as it would land on a car. The staff assisted the setup and it did end up falling on the car.

The Blaze belly dancing troupe entertained the crowd on the performance stage. 

The heat was brutal. Glad there was plenty of cool refreshments and ice cream to be had.  

On top of all the outdoor sites, the indoor museum was open as well. Besides all the great displays that call the Henry Ford Museum home, the Maker Faire took a weekend residence. The cool inside was a welcome relief from the blazing sun outside.

Technology was alive and well inside the museum. Seeing a homemade droid moving about was not uncommon at the Maker Faire.

3D desktop printing may be a common household printer in the near future. They exist now with a high sticker price, but it is sure to come down as time elapses. Some companies had them operating in their booth and had the results laying out to hold and be in awe of.

Fans of Star Wars rejoiced at the Maker Faire due to a stunning display featuring bots designed by the R2 Builders Club. 

Fans loved meeting their favorite Star Wars characters and picture requests were always granted.

The Fart-O-Matic machine was another hit with the kids. As they sat in the chair a ballon would fill up with the "gas" that they released.

A storm was brewing outside, but we did make a quick stop to the check out the DIYpsi Indie Craft Fair tent outside. A collective of Michigan made artists selling their works that included Cre Fuller and his "Tin Angry Men"   

A thunderstorm started an hour before the official end time for the Maker Faire, but we sure got our fill for the day. There was so much to do to occupy the time.
Maker Faire has become part of pop-culture. A family friendly event celebrating technology, education, science, arts, crafts, engineering, food, sustainability, and geekdom.

It's turned into a annual event here in Michigan and is surely one of the more unique ones to check out.

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