Saturday, July 23, 2016

SHOW REVIEW: Garbage At The Fillmore in Detroit

The last time I saw the band Garbage live was 1998 at the very same venue (then called the State Theatre) that I witnessed them live this past Saturday evening.
I've been a steady listener of the band over the years who dominated the alternative rock airwaves in the 90's and the band still has the musical abilities and edge that they first started putting out over two decades ago. The music industry has changed much over the years, but Garbage has remained consistent. Take this from a guy who was there in the beginning.
The stage lights stayed off for the bands first song of the set "Sometimes", which also happens to be the first song of the bands new album 'Strange Little Birds'. It was perfect for the atmosphere, but not so great for capturing photos. But that would soon change as the lights were turned up as well as the music. The band broke into fan favorites “I Think I’m Paranoid” and "Stupid Girl" in succession. Yes folks...the great music of the 90's lives on and I couldn't be happier.


The band lineup for the evening consisted of vocalist Shirley Manson, guitarists Steve Marker and Duke Erickson, touring bassist Eric Avery (formerly of Janes Addiction), and Matt Walker (from Morrissey and Smashing Pumpkins) who filled in for Butch Vig on drums due to Butch's illness
and his doctors orders not to travel.

The band's set consisted of a wide variety of material from all six of their full length albums. Material off of 'Absolute Garbage' and 'beautifulgarbage' got the least play with only one track from each of them played live during their set and the bands self titled 'Garbage' saw the highest with six.
The Fillmore had a great turnout and the crowd was very pleased and let the band know it with screams, hand claps, and the light of their cell phones as they captured some of their favorite songs.
The band stayed energetic with Shirley, in a free flowing dress, pacing with a purpose all over the stage and guitarists Steve Marker and Duke Erickson adding sweeping motions and movement to their playing that makes for a great visual live music experience. 

The band only had one hiccup in the set which came in the first minute of “Only Happy When it Rains”. I believe it was due to an error on the part of fill in drummer Matt Walker as Shirley was talking to him right after mishap. The band had a good laugh about it and restarted the song from the very beginning and had the majority of the crowd singing along to the chorus.
Shirley spoke to the crowd quite often between songs. I love Shirley's accent, but I found myself missing a lot of words coming from her mouth. She spoke of her support of the LGBT community during one break and her belief of accepting all people for who they are.

 Popular hits “Push It” and “Vow” were saved for the end of the regular set and encores included "Supervixen" and "#1 Crush" off the bands 1995 debut album and the bands high
energy song "Why Do You Love Me?” finished the set.

A great set list and evening all around. My 18 year break from seeing Garbage live felt like a 
Back To The Future trip that I can easily see myself taking again.

      *Photos and review by Casey Schwochow*

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