Saturday, July 23, 2016

SHOW REVIEW: Negative Approach live at Third Man Records in Detroit (with live footage)

Third Man Records in Detroit kicked off their live music series this past Saturday with a free show from Negative Approach. Negative Approach are one of the most important and influential hardcore/punk bands to come out of the United States.

Third Man Records reached capacity quite early once doors were open at 6:30. With roughly 300 people inside a line of people were left waiting outside anticipating entry. Third Man employees took precautions before the live entertainment began by removing merchandise in close proximity to the stage.  
The Craig Brown Band opened up the show as old school punks rubbed elbows with scenesters in their 20's in the beer and bathroom line's. 
As Negative Approach's lead vocalist John Brannon took to the stage he opened the set by saying "All right. Is everybody doing all right? Well check it out, that's all going to change right now. We're fucking Negative Approach". The band then went into a blistering version of 'Hypocrite' off the 1983 album 'Tied Down'. The crowd erupted in a large pit and the show was officially on. If you were anywhere near the stage it was fair game for bodies to be slamming against you.
  Negative Approach cut their teeth right around the corner from Third Man in the 80's at the legendary Freezer Theater which singer John Brannon pointed out from the stage at one point. He also pointed out that the area is the "Cass Corridor" and NOT "Midtown" as he shared his love for Detroit.  
The set 20+ song set list consisted of classic Neagtice Approach songs including 'Ready To Fight', 'Fair Warning' and 'Nothing'. Some of the cover songs performed during the set included 'Borstal Breakout' by Sham 69, 'I Got a Right' by Iggy & The Stooges, and 'Friends Of Rock & Roll' from Brannon's other band Easy Action. 
At one point during the set John Brannon asked if there were still people outside waiting to get in. He then requested from stage to let everyone in. The crowd agreed and started chanting "let them in". Third Man made it happen and those who stuck around were granted access.
This was a unique Negative Approach with three drummers taking part. Original drummer Chris "Opie" Moore played the majority of the set with fellow Negative Approach skin beaters John Lehl and Chuck Burns each doing a few songs to finish the 55 minute set. 
At this point in this review we here at MCB recommend sitting back and cracking open a beer to enjoy the sights of sounds of Negative Approach live at Third Man Records-Cass Corridor on January 30, 2016... 
"Hypocrite" LIVE 

"Ready To Fight" and "Nothing" LIVE

"I Got A Right" (Iggy & The Stooges cover) LIVE
"Friends Of Rock & Roll" (Easy Action cover) LIVE

**All live footage courtesy of Ambervillain Films**

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