Saturday, July 23, 2016

SHOW REVIEW AND INTERVIEW: Pentagram at the Marble Bar in Detroit (with Photos and Video)

There's just something about Pentagram lead vocalist Bobby Liebling that attracts not only the rockers, but also the curious spectators. The man is something of an anomaly in the world of music and life in general. Bobby is just as much known for his decades of drug abuse as his decades as a doom metal pioneer with the band Pentagram. The fantastic 2011 documentary "Last Days Here" brought us all into the sex, drugs, and rock n' roll world of Bobby Liebling and in doing so, spurred a whole new generation of Pentagram fans.
At 61, Bobby Liebling isn't ready to stop just yet and the band just completed yet another US tour. We here at Motorcityblog had a chance to sit down with Bobby before his recent Detroit show at the Marble Bar to discuss the new album, the struggle to stay clean, movies, his love of Detroit music, and more....
                                                *Interview footage courtesy of Ambervillain Films*
A lined formed outside Detroit's newest venue the Marble Bar before doors even opened for the Pentagram show with many in attendance donning denim jackets adorned with back patches sporting their favorite bands.
The bar was impressive with amenities that included a balcony, a patio, multiple restrooms, and cheap drinks! The true test for many though would be the sound and after touring mates Electric Citizen and Satan's Satyrs opened the show everyone knew it was going to be a loud one.
The crowd packed close to the stage before Pentagram came out, but were told by security to step back to give the stage and the band some breathing room. I don't think security knew what they were in for and wanted to get control of the situation as much as possible before the onslaught of Pentagram.
Pentagram came out and lit the place on fire musically. Joining Bobby on stage were previous band members Victor Griffin on guitar and Greg Turley on bass who have returned to the fold with this current lineup of the band along with newcomer Pete Campbell on drums. The musicianship was solid and the band ripped through a impressive set that included classics such as “Last Days Here” “Be Forewarned" and "Forever My Queen". New tracks performed live off the latest release 'Curious Volume' included "Close the Casket” and “Devil’s Playground". 
The crowd was very enthusiastic throughout the set with arms up in the air and lyrics being sung back word by word. Bobby was in fantastic shape and had the stage moves to show it. He sounded great and showed no signs of slowing down.    
Enjoy this live footage of  Pentagram performing "Forever My Queen" Live at the Marble Bar...
                                                                *Live footage courtesy of Ambervillain Films*
After the Pentagram set, Bobby hung out and met with fans who were eager to get items signed and get photos with him. He just loves hamming it up and doing his infamous bug eye look. Bobby Liebling has stories to tell, and in 2015 for him to still be telling them is a miracle and a blessing to everything who get's to hear them.


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